Enabling "Quality Society" through quality education for sustainable development

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The United Nations' Agenda 2030 for sustainable development is the action plan with the ambitious goals and targets for transforming our world. According to UNESCO, education for everybody is at the heart of the sustainable development, and quality of the education is imperative. Sustainability and sustainable development are ambiguous concepts, and the whole is difficult to discern. Here in this article, we examine them comprehensively and systematically and clarify their elements and relationship in the broader concept of 'quality society'. Quality of the society and education, are dealt with in the professional and standardized way. Great variety of possibilities for formal, non-formal and informal education are available in our societies. Although certain organizations of the society have a strong influence on the prevailing situation and its development, ultimately the education and learning, and also the sustainable development of the society depend on people and their activity. Universities have the special role in the development of civilization towards the advanced human society and the high level of culture, science, industry, and government. Development of the society takes place in the local communities, municipalities, countries, regions and in the whole world. Fast and versatile technical implementations and urbanization set particular requirements on the educational solutions and societal development. Hence, innovations are necessary also for the educational and societal development processes.

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ANTTILA, J., & JUSSILA, K. (2018). Enabling "Quality Society" through quality education for sustainable development. The Journal of Quality in Education, 8(12), 9. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v8i12.154


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