Piloting and training for the teaching of the religious fact in History Study of testimonies and evaluations in some educational inspection reports

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Cécile Arnaudo


This article presents part of the results of my doctoral research on the teaching of the religious fact in France "“ namely that which concerns the study of ten educational inspection reports (written in the Aix-Marseille academy of 2004 It will consist in maintaining that the inspectors of the National education can take part in their way in the process of schooling of the study of the religious fact.

To introduce my point, I would say that in France, since the end of the 19th century, changes have been at stake in the process of schooling religious fact because those who have educational authority "reinterpret" religion by mixing with its history the challenges and learning objectives of the Republic and its integration project.

The study of ten pedagogical inspection reports which deal specifically with the question of becoming religious in the narratives of modernity observes this “transmissive” aim insofar as, on the one hand, the practice of writing triggers the circulation of re -historical interpretations for a theory of learning and insofar as, on the other hand, all of their writers formulate assuredly intentional meanings which take part in the struggles for instructions and regulations of the modalities of thinking and of being teachers and pupils.

Indeed, we can see that all of these texts offer different framing which are all solutions to the political injunction "to teach religious facts". These texts result from narrative practices recontextualized academically at the same time as they project historical theses in and for a theory of learning in the school environment, from different spaces of production; History programs officially prescribe "why", "how" and "for whom" to teach religion in their discipline; and educational inspection reports respond to this request.

In fact, the authors of the programs respond ideologically to the question of the reinterpretation of religious facts and even they are not the only ones. So much so that we will see that the educational inspection reports carried out in the Aix-Marseille academy during the years 2004, 2005 and 2006 are "texts" which do not refer directly to the religious fact, but when these assess a course on this theme, we can also see that their authors prescribe a framed definition of religious fact when they testify to teaching practices and their evaluations.

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How to Cite
Arnaudo, C. (2013). Piloting and training for the teaching of the religious fact in History: Study of testimonies and evaluations in some educational inspection reports. The Journal of Quality in Education, 4(4), 8. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v4i4.68


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