Pilot training with MIAGE Tangiers through the indicators Case of the European Diploma of Higher Study Quality Safety Environment

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Mohamed Amine M'BARKI


In this work we present the main lines and the results of a work carried out in the training DEES Quality Safety Environment (DEESQSE) at MIAGE Tangier. This involves determining indicators in order to carry out DEESQSE continuing education.

To carry out this work, we used the PDCA method, which we put in interaction with a certain number of quality tools including the Ishikawa diagram.

According to the logic of the PDCA, we determined objectives with the contribution of the participants in the training which we declined in the various processes of the training system previously defined. To these objectives, we have associated an action plan.

The diagonal connection of the different cycles of the PDCA has enabled us to classify the indicators: Performance indicators Resulting from the “Plan to Control” relationship and steering indicators stemming from the “Act react” relationship.

The contribution of the participants through the brainstorming method once again enabled us to identify performance indicators on the one hand and management indicators on the other.

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How to Cite
AROUNA, S., & M’BARKI, M. A. (2013). Pilot training with MIAGE Tangiers through the indicators: Case of the European Diploma of Higher Study Quality Safety Environment. The Journal of Quality in Education, 4(4), 14. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v4i4.75


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