Practices and challenges of using Digital Technologies for Educational Assessment Case of Moroccan universities

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This article aims to study, the contribution of the introduction of digital technologies and tools in the correction activity as well as the teaching and evaluation process. The object of this article first relates to the analysis of evaluation procedures in pedagogy, we will also analyze the general context of evolution of evaluation practices, we will present after some practices and the instruments that are already used and what is in general the impact of these tools on the quality of training and on pedagogical performance, finally we will analyze the contribution of the use of a semi-automatic method based on the automatic correction of multiple choice questions used by the all Moroccan universities.

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How to Cite
LAOUFI, A., & ELKACHRADI, R. (2017). Practices and challenges of using Digital Technologies for Educational Assessment: Case of Moroccan universities. The Journal of Quality in Education, 7(9), 14.


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