What do we evaluate when we put a note on an "application project" in the "quality management" module

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Mohamed Amine M'BARKI


The effectiveness of training in Business Schools must be constantly ensured and improved, which implies knowing how to evaluate it. The evaluation system is therefore an important element in the process of continuous improvement in the quality of training.

In this work, we present a study carried out on the students of the fourth year Audit and Management Control of the National School of Commerce and Management in Tangier. The "Application Project" of the Quality Management module is an educational activity which allows students of the Audit and Management Control option to develop knowledge, attitudes and professional skills for managing and solving a problem. Quality within a team.

In this study, we expose the approach of training by Application Project, and we answer the main question of our research: How can we carry out a quality evaluation of an Application Project in the Management module quality ?

The objectives of this work are: to define a model for the evaluation of the Application Project of the Quality Management module; identify the criteria and indicators for the evaluation; build evaluation grids for an educational project applied to Quality Management and finally improve the quality of the monitoring and evaluation system of the Application Project.

In addition, we have designed and implemented procedures and registration forms that consolidate everyone's knowledge, skills, attitudes and contribution.

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How to Cite
M’BARKI, M. A. (2013). What do we evaluate when we put a note on an "application project" in the "quality management" module. The Journal of Quality in Education, 4(4Bis), 16. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v4i4Bis.126


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