The Interest of Continuous Training in Moroccan Companies

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Mounia Zaim
Faical Zaim
Morad Sbiti


Continuing training in the Moroccan business can be mentioned in relation to 1996, the year of the first reform of the Special Training Contracts (CSF). In 2002, a second reform of the CSFs was necessary to complete the system and remedy the persistent shortcomings. However, it is the last reform of 2014 that seems to attract more businesses by offering a simplified and more user-friendly framework.

With an increasing awareness of the importance of investing in continuing education, we can say today that the continuing education market is booming.

This work analyzes the importance of continuing education in Moroccan business through a survey carried out in two cities: Rabat and Salé. The questionnaire is intended for training managers to characterize their interest in continuing professional training within their companies and to determine the role of this training in the development of skills capable of improving the profitability of the company.

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How to Cite
Zaim, M., Zaim, F., & Sbiti, M. (2016). The Interest of Continuous Training in Moroccan Companies. The Journal of Quality in Education, 6(8), 10.


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