Does primary school also have the right to the Quality Management System?

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Mohamed Amine M'barki


ALARKAM S.A.R.L began in September 2001 its own project of design and implementation of a management system including its Quality Management System (QMS) to manage its establishment. In this communication, our work consisted in developing the ALRKAM 2003-2004 establishment project, which is structured in six axes: pedagogy; administrative management; human resources ; the pupil and school life; partnership and external communication; physical resources. There are twenty specific objectives expected from the implementation of the project. For each specific objective, we have defined activities. The total of these activities is one hundred and twenty-three, we have highlighted progress indicators, and we have defined the services / people associated with its realization. In addition, the strategy proposed for the implementation of the QMS for the ALARKAM establishment includes five phases: - Management decision: The decision of ALARKAM to engage in the process of implementing the QMS has been agreed with business associates. Management has adopted an appropriate strategy to succeed in its project and has put the necessary resources in place. She appointed a coordinator and a steering committee to manage the project. - Assessment of the situation: This step is necessary to carry out an inventory, to assess the establishment's ability to meet the requirements of the QMS and to propose an action plan (PA) to implement the QMS. - Development of a QMS Action Plan: The Action Plan includes: specific objectives, actions to be implemented, means, schedule and the names of the responsible actors. The project stakeholders come together to carry out tasks for implementing the QMS. On the other hand, training sessions were provided. - Implementation of the QMS through procedures: This phase resulted in the creation of a documentary system. The formalization of the management system of the establishment was established, by the preparation of the documentation of the QMS and by a description of the tasks. The management of ALARKAM initially adopted the development of its quality manual by taking up all the paragraphs of ISO 9001 in the form of procedures. The establishment has also drawn up other operational procedures.
- Verification of the implementation of the QMS: The effectiveness of the QMS is measured by audits as and when it is implemented. On the other hand, the management periodically studies the state of the QMS of its establishment to ensure that it is continually appropriate.

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How to Cite
M’barki, M. A. (2017). Does primary school also have the right to the Quality Management System?. The Journal of Quality in Education, 7(10), 11.


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