Cannabis cultivation as a factor influencing scholastic performance The case study of Ghomara’s secondary school students (Chefchaouen province, north-western Morocco)

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Abderrahmane MERZOUKI


The secondary school performance of Ghomara’s students (coastal area of Chefchaouen province, Rif Mountain, Morocco) is deeply influenced by the cultivation of cannabis practiced by many Ghomarian families. To highlight this relationship, a field study was conducted with students, their parents, and other stakeholders through the adoption of a quantitative and qualitative sociological approach. It then appears that most of the students, especially boys, from cannabis families had annual averages assessment marks (AAM) less than 10/20. These marks do not allow them to continue their schooling. In addition, other factors are added to aggravate the already precarious situation, such as the need for manpower to carry out family farming activities, the social reluctance towards education, the inadequacy of education system to the labour market and the mistrust of the local population to the reforms of the national education system recently proposed by the government.

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How to Cite
MEKLACH, Y., & MERZOUKI, A. (2021). Cannabis cultivation as a factor influencing scholastic performance: The case study of Ghomara’s secondary school students (Chefchaouen province, north-western Morocco). The Journal of Quality in Education, 11(18), 20–46.


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