Knowledge management in industrial companies

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Chams Eddoha MOKHLIS


The industrial enterprise as a development organization of the country is as also concerned by the formation of its own elite. Indeed, in an economic environment increasingly complex and competitive, companies, especially those of industrial activity are now aware, more than ever, of the importance of knowledge management of their human resources as a primary factor for strengthening the innovative spirit of its employees, and therefore the performance of the different chains of the business.

The concern of this article is, first, to describe the reasons for the emergence of the concept of knowledge management within firms. On the other hand, we will try to highlight the interests and objectives of this type of management, but more importantly, to highlight the difficulties and limitations of the application of its procedures.

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How to Cite
ELMORTADA, A., MOKHLIS, C. E., & ELFEZAZI, S. (2019). Knowledge management in industrial companies. The Journal of Quality in Education, 9(14), 6.


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