Role of e-learning in improving the quality of teaching at the National School of Business and Management in Tangier

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According to statistics from the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, more than 500,000 students are currently enrolled in Moroccan universities. This massive influx has magnified the inadequacies of equipment and resources for higher education in Morocco. Like its sisters throughout the kingdom, the National School of Commerce and Management of Tangier has to face this problem of overstaffing of students. In this regard, we conducted an experiment on an e-learning platform that we developed. This experiment aims to collect the overall assessments of learners from the pedagogical, technical and content point of view and also aims to determine the role of e-learning in improving the performance of our students.

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How to Cite
EL KHALKHALI, I. (2014). Role of e-learning in improving the quality of teaching at the National School of Business and Management in Tangier. The Journal of Quality in Education, 5(5BIS), 9.


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