Feedback from distance education in times of COVID-19 crisis Case of an audience of allophone adults

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Ibtihal El Mousadik
Malika Abentak


Under the yoke of the covid-19 pandemic and following the example of other countries that have experienced the brutal suspension of face-to-face education, France has decreed a series of decisions in the hope of curbing the epidemic. These resolutions affected several sectors, including education.

Under the ministerial order of 15 March 2020, strict restrictions and measures were implemented. In this regard, schools, universities and training institutions have opted for distance learning to keep educational activity alive in this crisis.

In this contribution, we will present our experience of distance learning which lasted from 01/02/2020 to 30/05/2020. We provided a French language course focusing on the four skills (written comprehension, oral comprehension, oral production, written production) to an audience of adults of various nationalities. The objective of this course is to prepare this public for the DELF A1 and A2 exams with a view to their integration into social and professional life in France. In this article we will try to answer the following question: how the distance learning been able to compensate the face-to-face learning?




Article Details

How to Cite
El Mousadik, I. ., & Abentak, M. (2020). Feedback from distance education in times of COVID-19 crisis: Case of an audience of allophone adults. The Journal of Quality in Education, 10(16), 103–121.
Author Biographies

Ibtihal El Mousadik, Ibnou Zohr University





Malika Abentak, Ibn Zohr University





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