Teacher training and transformation of teaching practices Case of training in integration pedagogy

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Abdesselam Mili


Among the actions carried out by the Moroccan Ministry of National Education, during the period 2008-2011, for "completion of the implementation of the Competence-Based Approach (ApC)" in the primary cycle is teacher training. The integration pedagogy constitutes a methodology chosen by the ministry to operationalize this approach. A training system was designed to improve teachers' practices during the integration of learning by learners. Has integration pedagogy training changed teachers' practices? How did the teachers react during and after the training? The recourse to the relation to knowledge (Charlot, 1997) and the analysis of teaching practices (Altet, 2002) constitute the paradigm on which this research is based. The objective is to understand how teachers maintain the relationship with knowledge in training and its implementation in the field. The study lasted 3 years using various means and tools: observation and interview with teachers during and after training, administration of a questionnaire on a national scale each year. The diversity of these tools allows, in our opinion, the reconciliation between qualitative and quantitative data. Knowing that this study does not aim to judge the quality of training, but it focuses on teachers' perception of the "relationship to training knowledge". The sample, although it is not representative, gives indications of the training report through the practices required by the pedagogy of integration.
The results of the study show that these elements are perceived and experienced differently between teachers, just as their practice in the field presents remarkable differences in the planning and conduct of learning during integration.

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How to Cite
Mili, A. (2014). Teacher training and transformation of teaching practices: Case of training in integration pedagogy. The Journal of Quality in Education, 4(5), 17. https://doi.org/10.37870/joqie.v4i5.57


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